Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I HEART YOU and sexy underwear

just saw the movie Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist and matt said theyd be together forever now bc she got he first O from him haha

n i asked if he would keep me forever

he said hmm ill have to think about that...only if you tell me you love me

=) wonder where he got that from

Monday, October 13, 2008

Church wars (war of words)

This is literally a 'church signs' debate, being played out in a Southern town, between the Catholic church and a (fundamentalist) Presbyterian church. From top to bottom shows you the response and counter-response over time

The Catholics are displaying a much better sense of humor! You get the impression that the Presbyterians are actually taking this seriously!

~what they church and pc=presbyterian church

*cc-"all dogs go to heaven"

*pc-"only humans go to heaven read the bible"

*cc-"god loves all his creations dogs included

*pc-dogs dont have souls this is not open for debate

*cc-catholic dogs go to heaven presbyterian dogs can talk to their pastor

*pc-converting to catholocism does not magically grant your dog a soul

*cc-free dog souls with conversion

*pc-dogs are animals there aren't any rocks in heaven either

*cc-all rocks go to heaven