Monday, September 24, 2007

pretty much the way things go

you know,
~i find it kinda funny that considering im the retarded one of the group~
~im the only one smart enough to realize you cant argue,~
~people are stubborn and will do whatever the hell they see in their mind is best~
~no matter what you say the only thing you can do is give your advice once and hope it was heard....~

~thats pretty much how it is and ill keep it that way with out complaining (much)~

~bc i love my friends enough to respect their decisions no matter how retarded they are hahaha =D ~


Soo ive decided that me, Maggie, Elyssa, Becca, and Kayla are all going to St. Louis the second becca turns 21!! and again once kayla does haha bc the first time we go she still wont be legal n well have to sneek her drinks and what not!!

~***and wer all going wether wer still friends by then or not(so be better still be haha) bc i said soo n i win =) ***~

Sunday, September 23, 2007



thts all i can say...


Monday, September 17, 2007

woot woot

lookit!!! i finaly made a blogger

sooo i was just talking to maggie &&&

Me: u hav to tell me every thing nomatter what!
Magg: oook as long as you dont get mad at me
Me: hav i ever gotten mad at u?!?
Magg: yeaa u sided wit my mother thts the worst mad you can get!
Me: o yea lol but hav i ever done anything about it?
Magg: noo lol
Me: exactly!! lol bc i care about you but u can do whtever the hell u want!
Magg: yea but i care about u n i totaly tell you what to do I OWN YOU!!!


Magg:oohhh im gona name my kids vladimir!

Magg: AHHHHH everry thing is in spanish!!! EEEK
Me: i hate spanish!!!

ahhh i love my wifeyy

and my twinny of course who NEEDS TO CALL ME BACK!! grrr

sooo today i went to school and felt like crap because i was sick allday yesterday with a fever and so i texted my mommy during first saying:
Me: grrr can i come home now?
Mom: r u sick?
Me: i feel like crap!!!
so i got to go home but i waited till after first period so mr sicker wouldnt get mad at me!!
then later when my brother got home and my mom left for a class in cleveland, Paul walks into my room and is like...
Paul: i cut my self! bu idk if i need stiches or not...
me: ohh god wht did u do noww?!?!

lol fun fun sooo yea...ttyl
