Sunday, November 11, 2007

heres to the band songs =)

Heres to the traditional band songs...may they never be forgotten!!!!!!
(and they get better towards the bottem lol)

1~the Bear Song (*best lead by tony scarpetti ill miss him terribly next year*)

a leader starts n everyone repeats: n at the end of each verse u sing the whole verse over together

The other day ""
I met a bear""
A great big bear""
Away up ther""

the other dayy i met a bearrr a great big bear a way up therr

He looked at me""
I looked at him""
He sized up me""
I sized up him""

he looked at mee i looked at himm he sized up me i sized up himm

And then he said""
Why dont u run?""
I see u aint""
Got any gun""

and then he said y dont u runn i see u aint got ne gun

And so i ran""
away from there""
but right behind""
me was that bear""

and so i ran awayy from theree but right behind me was that bearr

I spyed a tree""
in front of me""
a great big tree""
o lucky me!""

i spyed a tree in front of meee a great big tree o lucky me

the nearest branch""
was ten feet up""
id have to jump""
and trust me luck""

the nearest branch was ten feet upp id have to jump and trust my luck

and so i jumped""
into the air""
and missed that branch""
oway up there""

and so i jumped into the airr and missed that branch o way up theree

now dont u fret""
now dont u frown""
i caught that branch""
on the way back down""

now dont u fret now dont u frown i caught that branch on the way back downn


thats all there is there aint no moreee untill i meet that bear once moreeee!!!!

2~the Beaver Song(*best started by beth lukach ill miss her tons*)

beaver 1 beaver 2 lets all tie our beaver shoe
beaver 2 beaver 3 lets all climb the beaver tree
beaver 3 beaver 4 lets all shut the beaver door
beaver 4 beaver 5 lets all do the beaver jive
beaver 5 beaver 6 lets all pick up beaver sticks
beaver 6 beaver 7 lets all go to beaver heaven
beaver 7 beaver 8 lets all shut the beaver gate
beaver 8 beaver 9 STOP....its beaver time!
go beavers go beavers go beavers go beavers

3~Bumble bee song(*favorite of justin sanders ill miss him too!!*)

im bringing home a baby bumble bee
wont my mommy be so proud of me
im bringing home a baby bumble be

im squishing up my baby bumble be no how the rest goes haha

4~Knobby Hall(*best lead by breanna stewart and lindsay jasonowski i miss them bunches*)

(leader starts, everyone yells the last phrase...)

Ohh his name was knoby hall, knobby hall...(KNOBBY HALL)
Ohh his name was knobby hall, knoby hall...(KNOBBY HALL)
oh his name was knobby hall and he only had one...FINGERRR
Ohh his name was knoby hall, knobby hall...(KNOBBY HALL)

(and its alot to type so "" = the first line of phrase said again)

theyy say he robbed a bank, robbed a bank...(ROBBED A BANK)
they say he robbed a bank on his one and only...TEA BREAKK

the officers name was tucker, name was tucker...(NAME WAS TUCKER)
the officers name was tucker and he was a silly...FELLOWWW

the judge he was slick, he was slick...(HE WAS SLICK)
the judge he was slick and he liked to play with his...MALLETT

they hung knobby hall, knobby hall...(KNOBBY HAll)
they hung knobby hall by his one and only...FINGERRR

they threw him in a pit, in a pit...(IN A PIT)
they threw him in a pit and they covered him with...SHINGLESS
theyy threw him in a pit, in a pit...(THATS IT)

5~The Pajamas song

I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when its hot
I wear my flannal nighties in the winter when its not
but sonetimes in the springtime and sometimes in the fall
I jump into the sheets with NOTHING ON AT AlL!!

gloryy glory HALLELUJA glorry glory wats it too ya

6~Our version of the FIGHT SONG =)
(sung to the tune of the fight song of course)

drink ur beer and take off ALL YOUR CLOTHES
drink ur beer and take off ALL YOUR CLOTHES
fight crusaders fight
fight with all your might
were gona have a good time tonight O BABY

drink ur beer and take off ALL YOUR CLOTHES da daa da da daa da daaaaa
we dont... know the words to... this part of
cause it feelss sooo rightt!!!!!woot woot


cheer cheer for old central high
you bring the whiskey ill bring the rhye
send the freshman out for gin and dont let our sober sophmores in
we never swagger we never fall
we sober up on PURE ALCOHAL!
while the loyal faculty lie drunk on the class room floorrr!!!!!

good times

Thursday, November 8, 2007

pick-up lines

sooo im deffinatly happy now that i was forced to take honors english bc its not as hard as i was making my self think and its fun, mr scholls pretty swt, and i have a pretty good grade in tht class fun

and were learning about sonnets so yesterday we compared them to pick-up lines

heres some i got from shannon haha

~Let's make like a fabric softener and snuggle

~If i were peterpan you'd be my happy thought =)

~excuse me can u empty ur pockets? i believe uve stolen my heart

~are we in lord of the rings? cause i swear your my precious

haha i was amused...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

i learn from my wifeyy

lol 2 things ive learned from maggie:

1) that saying "love is blind" is SOOO true!! haha


2)if she makes me mad i just hav to threaghten to divorce her! lol

ilu maggie...jus dont make me divorce u

n r date today was sooo much fun haha except when the car guy found us in grinders!!
hehehehe im sooooo glad my hot neighbor was outside today!!!! =)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Animal Stories: Y things happen

sooo over the summer me and maggie were suposed to meet jason and justin at jasons house at i think 7AM because we were going to eat breakfast and then leave for cedar point

but me and maggie were running a little late!...but we had a PERFECTLY good reason for this!! :

there were these evil giraffes! and they came in through maggies bedroom window (because giraffes have reallyyy long necks of course) and they were attacking us!!!! =O so we had to get the gorrillas to come save the day by fighting away the giraffes but then the gorillas wouldnt leave and be happy untill we rewarded them with bananas...but see we didnt have any bananas!

so we had to drive to the store, buy some bananas, and give them to the gorillas...and then we got ready and came right over! =D

n then maggie was trying to talk to me online when:

a spaceship flew down from waaaaaaay above...
and little mexican aliens came out onto the beach(thats where they landed)
and the dolphins brought them to maggies house!
where they went upstairs (without maggies aprooval of course!)
and they said either buy us burritoes or were kicking you offline!
so she naturally said "no i will not buy u a burritoe!
and they kicked her offline =P
and then the dolphins took them away so she could get back online

hahahahhaha omg!!! this is why i love my wifeyy


nd random story of the day...

chris AGAIN notice n was like errrka did ur boobs get bigger?!
n i was like yes chris this is the 10th time this year uve noticed
tht my boobs are bigger/actually existing hahah =P


ahhhh soo im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo super excited for this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me and maggie are going to columbas n its gona be uhmazinggg!!! woot woot lol =D


Thursday, October 4, 2007

randomness for sure

lmao so me my brother and my dad went to the bowling alley so see my sister n her friends

wer talking about random things and paul says

Paul: (talking about chinese year animal things to dad) did you know that Rosie (our dog) is a dog!
Dad: no i had no fucking clue i thought she was a opossum!
Me: lmfao (i <3 my family)


and mr scholl made a mathmatical equation proving women to be evil...

women = time X money

time = money

women = money X money
women = money^2 (pretend thts a sqaured sign

money = square root of evil
money^2 = evil

women = evil still waiting for the equation showin that men = assholes but for somereason he still hasnt found one =P


i fucking hate being grounded but its all too easy to get on teh computer w/o mom noticing lol


Monday, September 24, 2007

pretty much the way things go

you know,
~i find it kinda funny that considering im the retarded one of the group~
~im the only one smart enough to realize you cant argue,~
~people are stubborn and will do whatever the hell they see in their mind is best~
~no matter what you say the only thing you can do is give your advice once and hope it was heard....~

~thats pretty much how it is and ill keep it that way with out complaining (much)~

~bc i love my friends enough to respect their decisions no matter how retarded they are hahaha =D ~


Soo ive decided that me, Maggie, Elyssa, Becca, and Kayla are all going to St. Louis the second becca turns 21!! and again once kayla does haha bc the first time we go she still wont be legal n well have to sneek her drinks and what not!!

~***and wer all going wether wer still friends by then or not(so be better still be haha) bc i said soo n i win =) ***~

Sunday, September 23, 2007



thts all i can say...


Monday, September 17, 2007

woot woot

lookit!!! i finaly made a blogger

sooo i was just talking to maggie &&&

Me: u hav to tell me every thing nomatter what!
Magg: oook as long as you dont get mad at me
Me: hav i ever gotten mad at u?!?
Magg: yeaa u sided wit my mother thts the worst mad you can get!
Me: o yea lol but hav i ever done anything about it?
Magg: noo lol
Me: exactly!! lol bc i care about you but u can do whtever the hell u want!
Magg: yea but i care about u n i totaly tell you what to do I OWN YOU!!!


Magg:oohhh im gona name my kids vladimir!

Magg: AHHHHH everry thing is in spanish!!! EEEK
Me: i hate spanish!!!

ahhh i love my wifeyy

and my twinny of course who NEEDS TO CALL ME BACK!! grrr

sooo today i went to school and felt like crap because i was sick allday yesterday with a fever and so i texted my mommy during first saying:
Me: grrr can i come home now?
Mom: r u sick?
Me: i feel like crap!!!
so i got to go home but i waited till after first period so mr sicker wouldnt get mad at me!!
then later when my brother got home and my mom left for a class in cleveland, Paul walks into my room and is like...
Paul: i cut my self! bu idk if i need stiches or not...
me: ohh god wht did u do noww?!?!

lol fun fun sooo yea...ttyl
